Hors période de candidature.

2023/2024 January Semester Admission to Centre for Distance Learning

Send email after submission: Vrai



The procedure for the 2023/2024 Application for Centre for Distant Learning Admission for first time applicants is as follows:
Candidates are advised to have a valid e-mail account before starting the application process.
  1. Read the Instructions carefully
  2. Click on Register for application at the top left of this page to proceed.
  3. Enter your First name; Middle name; and Surname along with your Email Address and Phone Number.
    Immediately, your ID and Password will be sent to your email. Click on the Link within your email to continue
  4. Back On cdlportal.iuokada.edu.ng click on 'Login' (top right of the front page).
  5. Enter your username and the password to login.
  6. To start the application process, please click on 'Application record' and provide all required information and upload your passport photograph.
  7. Provide all required information and upload your passport photograph.
  8. Upload a Recent and clear 1” x 1” COLOURED passport photograph
    NOTE that the photograph uploaded will be the only valid ID for all admitted candidates throughout their stay in the Igbinedion University, Okada, .
  9. Preview and confirm your information before submitting your application online.